Blog posts on our learning over the last few years, with lots of resources and links to concrete tools! Participatory Action Learning – Insights into a catalyst for transformative change. Details on the Action Learning Approach – Concrete tools and resources.
Field Notes
In “Field Notes” we’ll be regularly reporting on our evaluation work, discussing challenges, approaches, strategies, sharing learning. Hopefully colleagues will share any of their own insights!
Readings and Resources – New Transformative Paradigms in Development, Aid, Social Change Work
Rethinking Development, Aid, Social Change (including role of evaluation) Books: Aid on the Edge of Chaos: Rethinking International Cooperation in a Complex World, Ramalingam, Ben. The Limits of Institutional Reform in Development, Andrews, Matt Navigating Complexity in International Development: Facilitating Sustainable Change at Scale, Danny Burns (Author), Stuart Worsley (Author). The Politics of Evidence and […]
How do we support knowledge sharing and learning?
Recently AEC member Catherine Borgman-Arboleda was involved with leading the design and implementation of a multi-country participatory monitoring and learning process for groups working on issues of women’s empowerment. These are a few key take-aways from the experience: *Timelines need to come from the pace, rhythms, and priorities on the ground. This does not lessen […]
Resources for collective learning initiatives
Evaluate for Change Workshop!
A 2-day workshop (May 23rd and 24th) specifically designed for social change and community-based organizations to learn how to use evaluation as a tool for change. You will learn about evaluation as a critical tool for empowerment and strengthening your organizational capacity. Understand how to integrate learning and improvement into your organizational practice and strategy. Design […]
Building Community Advocacy Capacity: A Few Lessons Learned from Tobacco Policy Change
In the spirit of making sure that evaluation resources provide the greatest benefit, we are sharing these findings from an evaluation conducted from late 2009 to early 2012, for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Two members of AEC were senior evaluators on RWJF’s Tobacco Policy Change (TPC) evaluation. AEC believes in the importance of evaluation’s role […]
An Evaluator’s Contribution to Sandy Hook
Supporting Healing and Empowerment On December 14, 2012, a tragedy occurred at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. A strong reaction rippled across the country and, in many cases, this inspired action to build awareness, peace and stronger communities. Within days, the Sandy Hook Healing Project (SHHP), developed by Heather Gunn-Rivera, opened its […]