Tobacco Policy Change Evaluation – Executive Summary

TPC_Exec summary


  1. […] In this spirit of making sure that evaluation resources provide the greatest benefit, we are sharing these findings from an evaluation conducted from late 2009 to early 2012, for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Two members of AEC were senior evaluators on RWJF’s Tobacco Policy Change (TPC) evaluation. AEC believes in the importance of evaluation’s role in building knowledge about social change and development, and in highlighting what works, and what doesn’t. Often NGOs and donor organizations/foundations don’t have time to produce and disseminate information for other audiences, and  evaluators have an opportunity to make knowledge more accessible to those doing similar work, and facing common challenges. The executive summary is also available. […]

  2. Mowamba.Com says:


    Executive summary of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Tobacco Policy Change Evaluation