Sample Theory of Change workshop agenda (in Spanish). (Collective workshop, with three different groups) Monitoring and Reflection workshop for program with staff/donors (in Spanish) Contact us if you’d like versions in English.
Theory of Change Guide – In Spanish!
We recently translated our guide for a three day workshop we are facilitating for members of Lutheran World Services in Central America. We hope you find it useful, and please feel free to share! ToC Guía_AEC_Oct2017
Reflections on Social Learning & Communities of Practice (KM4Dev Convening, Seattle 2017)
I recently attended a KM4Dev convening in Seattle Washington. KM4Dev is an international “Community of Practice” focused on knowledge management, sharing or more generally social learning for development. The workshop was facilitated by the extraordinary Nancy White who brings years of wisdom (and fun!) to the deep work of collaboration and learning and thought leaders […]
Embedding Evaluative Thinking into Social Change Initiatives
Embedding Evaluative Thinking_Reflections & Recommendations Included are some of our reflections and recommendations drawn from the last five years of longer-term engagements with foundations and international NGOs interested in developing within and between organizations and communities. (These were largely taken from recommendations of final reports, so to some degree written for an internal audience). Also see our […]
Theory of Action/Theory of Change – From theory to practice….
Much of our work as evaluators and capacity builders integrates an approach called Theory of Action (ToA). ToA is similar to Theory of Change (ToC), and in practice there is often little difference between the two in implementation. Generally, ToA provides some boundaries to the process and focuses on an organization, initiative or program’s particular role […]
Theory of Change – Resources
A Review of the Use of ‘Theory of Change’ in International Development (UK Dept. of Int’l Development) Actknowledge (an organizations in the US making important contributions to the mainstreaming of ToC) and their online tool – TOCO New Philanthropy Capital guide to ToC An excellent collection of resources on ToC by the Hivos Knowledge Programme Just Associates […]
Linking Theory with Action – An example
Background: We recently conducted a Theory of Action process with a capacity building organization, the Progressive Technology Project (PTP), which works with political organizing and social movement groups in the U.S. The group wanted to develop their Theory of Action, but also have a very focused discussion linking the process to decision-making over the next couple years. […]
Theory of Action/Theory of Change – Basic steps…
When to use This process is best used at the beginning of a program or initiative or as an initial step in setting up an evaluation. It is a powerful tool to surface assumptions and support critical thinking and reflection while also strengthening planning processes and sharpening strategies. It also provides a framework for monitoring […]